Sabtu, 13 Maret 2010


    I would like to write some greetings in japanese,but I can't write all of them. So I just write ones which usually use in daily activities,her you are:
  1. Good morning              :Ohayoo gozaimasu             
  2. Good afternoon           :Konnichiwa
  3. Good Evening             :Konbawwa
  4. Good Night                 :Oyasuminasai
  5. How are you?             :Ogenki desuka
  6. Thank you very much:Doomo arigato gozaimasu
  7. You are welcome       :Dooitashimashite
  8. Excuse me                  :Sumimasen
  9. See you tomorrow      :Mata ashita
  10. Wait a Minute            :Chotto
  11. Welcome                    :Irrashaimase
  12. I see                            :Soo desuka
  13. Long time no see        :Shibaraku desune
  14. Come here                  :Doozo kochira e
  15. What's going on?        :Doo Shimashitaka
  16. I'm Tired                     :Tsukaremashita
  17. Congratulation            :Omedetoo gozaimasu
  18. Happy Birthday          :otanjoobi omedetoo gozaimasu
  19. Let's begin                   :Hajimemashoo
  20. Let's continue              :Tsuzukemashoo
  21. Let's study                   :Benkyoo shimashoo
  22. Let's take a rest           :Yasumimashoo
  23. Really?                        :Honto desuka
  24. Good luck                   : Ganbatte kudasai
  25. Can I help You?          :Nan desuka


1 komentar:

bowo mengatakan...

wah ker nie, bisa nambah pengetahuan tentang bahasa jepang...hehehe
sama2 anak dawe. maju terus... :)